Why do we put free flower seeds or Treebombs in every new baby hamper we sell?
We put free wildflower/flower seeds or free Treebombs into every new baby hamper we sell because it's important to be able to look after the planet, even in very small ways. Yes of course we put lots of eco friendly new baby essentials in our new baby gifts and baby hampers too, this is just a little something extra on us.
Treebombs, the company, says that for every person born there would need to be 101 trees planted to offset their lifetime carbon footprint. You can actually buy, directly from them a box containing 101 Treebombs. In The Box Baby Hampers gives you 3 to introduce the idea. Treebombs are elder and maple seeds coated in clay (that is why we have put them in recyclable plastic bags as the clay is red and stains) which means they will set just from being thrown down, yes, no need to dig holes or plant. We love the idea of trees growing along with the child. Imagine one in the garden or at granny's house of on a favourite walk. There are going to be so many stories about when it was set, the first time is showed above the earth, the first time the child stood next to it etc. Imagine the joy of having trees planted in your name. Pretty fantastic, we hope you agree.
Why wildflower/flower seeds? Well that's pretty easy as the bees and butterflies love them, a word of caution though some wild flowers such as ragwort, foxgloves and buttercups are dangerous if ingested so keep the small children from eating or touching them. Naturally most undomesticated animals will smell the danger and stay away. Wildflower seeds need a frost to kick start their germination so plant April - May for a show the following spring or September- October for a spring show. Wild flowers are quite slow starters (a bit like our babies) but once they get growing they will be glorious playground for the butterflies and those important bees. Hedgerows or cultivated ground and pots are the best places to sow your wildflower seeds, areas that are out of bounds or carefully monitored to protect the children. The free sunflower seeds are always fun to grow, for the grown ups too, many a competion will ensue.
When you give one of our new baby gifts you have spent time thinking about the person who is going to receive it and the new baby, we have too. That's why our baby hampers are always thoughtful, practical and made with our "Baby hamper magic"- satisfaction a certianty.